Nynashamn Gasthamn

Nynashamn Gasthamn

Stock Press Photo | Nynäshamns Gästhamn

The approximately 300 sites are well protected inside northern Europe's largest floating breakwater. The city center and station are a stone's throw away. Here you will find all possible services such as boat bottom washing, pump out and the opportunity to leave waste.
Nynäshamns Gästhamn is centrally located in the city's fishing port, together with Nynäshamns Besökscenter.
Along the harbor route there is a large selection of restaurants and cafes of various kinds. Enjoy chilled drinks on the restaurants' sun deck or stroll among red small harbor stalls and find local delicacies. The stalls sell coffee, arts and crafts, antiques and other goodies. Out on Frejas Holme is a mini golf course located which is popular with both children and adults. The city center of Nynäshamn is about a 5-minute walk from the harbor.


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